The Finance Committee is accountable for the financial management of the Society.
The Finance Committee advises the Executive Committee on all aspects of financial planning and management in conformance with Association plans and objectives, and Board of Direction policies. The financial management responsibilities of the Finance Committee includes: Financial Resource Planning and Development, Budget Development and Monitoring, and Investment Management.
The Finance Committee shall consist of at least five (5) members, including three (3) Directors, one(1) past President and the Treasurer. The Treasurer shall serve as chair. Members should have substantial financial and/or investment management experience. All members shall be familiar with the programs and activities of the Association and act in conformance with the Association’s financial philosophy.
Roster: Contact Nos. Location / Email Address
1. Emiliano “Emil” Cerdon
2. Simplicio “Sam” Gonzales
3. Edmund “Ed” Cornejo
4. Clark Sison
5. Severino “Seven” Quizon